





Lift Your Skin with a Natural, Non-Invasive Treatment at Karma Wellness Spa

Many of our clients at Karma Wellness Spa are concerned with loose and sagging skin on their forehead, neck, and chin, but do not want to deal with the cost, risk, or downtime that comes with a surgical facelift.  Ultherapy is a new and effective FDA approved non-surgical option!


What is Ultherapy?

Ultherapy uses focused ultrasound to stimulate collagen growth deep within the skin. The result? Tighter, better-fitting skin, even on the neck!  While you may see some results immediately, it typically takes two to three months for the collagen growth to create dramatic results.  

Depending on the area you are having treated, an Ultherapy session here in Chattanooga can take anywhere from 30 to 90 minutes. Only one treatment session is necessary. Because it is non-surgical, you will not have to take any time off from work and can resume normal activities immediately.



Frequently Asked Questions 


How does Ultherapy differ from laser treatments?

Ultherapy uses sound energy - tried-and-true ultrasound - which has unique properties that allow it to bypass the surface of the skin to treat depths not matched by any other non-invasive cosmetic device. Ultherapy ultrasound stimulates collagen production in the skin's foundation, resulting in a clinically significant lift of tissue over 2-3 months.

Lasers rely on light energy, which cannot reach deeper skin layers at an optimal temperature, so laser treatments typically only treat superficial skin and are not FDA-cleared to lift skin. Since the two technologies often treat different types of skin issues, they're actually very compatible.

How long does an Ultherapy treatment take?

The length of treatment will depend on the area being treated and your individual treatment plan. A face and neck procedure typically takes 60-90 minutes, while a chest treatment take approximately 30 minutes.

What does the Ultherapy treatment feel like?

As the ultrasound energy is delivered, you will feel tiny amounts of energy being deposited to precise depths indicating that the collagen-building process has been initiated. Comfort levels vary from person to person, but the sensation only lasts while the ultrasound energy is being delivered. Numbing techniques are available.

When will I see results?

After your Ultherapy Treatment, you may see some initial effect, but the ultimate results will take place over 2-3 months, as your body naturally regenerates collagen. Since the procedure stimulates your own collagen production, how long the results last really depend on you. The treatment produces new collagen on the inside, but your natural aging process will dictate how long that translates into visible results on the outside.

Are there any side effects?

The skin might appear flushed at first, but the redness should disappear within a few hours. Some patients experience slight swelling, tingling or tenderness to the tough, but these are temporary in nature. Other, less common post-procedural effects may include temporary bruising or numbness on small areas of the skin. As with any medical procedure, there is possibility for other rare effects, which your practitioner will review with you. For full product safety information, visit ultherapy.com/IFU.